
David Burkus is the bestselling author of four award-winning books about business and leadership. His ideas have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, USA Today, Fast Company, and many other media outlets, and his TED Talk has over 2 million views. He’s worked with brands like Google, Stryker, Fidelity, Viacom, and even the US Naval Academy.

In this episode, David shares insights from his new book, Leading from Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Managing Remote Teams. Listen in to learn why the work-from-anywhere culture is here to stay, as well as how organizations can shift to embrace the change and build a cohesive team that relies less on Zoom happy hours and more on autonomy and trust. David also gives his best advice for building team cohesion when your entire team works remotely and discusses why the cost of replacing a bad employee is so high (though it’s probably not the reason you think it is!).

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*Original air date: Aug 3, 2017.*

When it comes to writing a book that sells year after year, Ryan Holiday definitely knows the formula. His books have all been best-sellers, and more importantly, they have continued to sell well long after their issue dates. In this episode, he discusses the principles for crafting a longstanding work, whether it's a book, a product, or even a restaurant,  from his newest book, Perennial Seller: The Art of Marketing Work that Lasts.

Ryan shares what differentiates a book that keeps selling over the years from a book that sells well initially but gradually disappears from view. He emphasizes that from the outset of creating a book, you need to be thinking ahead about what content and marketing efforts will truly make the book last. Finding the perfect balance between content that adds value and strategic marketing is crucial.

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*Original air date: Feb 21, 2019.*

Albert-László Barabási is a network scientist whose work has led to many breakthroughs, including the discovery of scale-free networks in 1999. The Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science and a Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University, he has done extensive research on success over the years, and continues to be one of the most cited scientists today.

Listen in as he shares insights from his latest book, The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success, including how to gain traction and visibility and the common misconception about creativity in youth. You'll learn the scientific measures of success, as well as what his research has shown about the key factors that help to create it.

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Dr. Christophe Morin is passionate about decoding the relationship between the brain and human behaviors. He has received multiple speaking, publishing, and research awards during his career, and he holds an MBA from BGSU, an MA, and a Ph.D. in Media Psychology from Fielding Graduate University. In this episode, he shares insights from his latest book, The Serenity Code, including the relationship between stress and anxiety and how to respond to stress in a healthy way.

Listen in as Christophe shares how to take back control of our nervous system, as well as the importance of self-love—but not in a narcissistic way. You will learn why young people are suffering most during the pandemic, the benefit of connecting with nature, and how owning a pet can calm you down.

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Joseph Michelli, Ph.D., is a certified customer experience and speaking professional. He is also Global Guru’s #1 US-based customer service expert and the author of ten business books about companies like Airbnb, Starbucks, Zappos, Mercedes-Benz, and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. In addition to being a Wall Street Journal and New York Times #1 bestselling author, Joseph helps leaders and frontline team members drive customer loyalty and referrals

Listen in as Joseph discusses something extremely timely as we collectively go through a global pandemic: how to best lead a company during the midst of massive upheaval and uncertainty. He’ll share why now it’s more important than ever to be employee-obsessed, how the work-from-home movement has shifted over the course of the pandemic, and why taking care of yourself should also be a top priority.

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Bas Wouters is an expert in persuasion. As an online lead generator, he caused serious disruption in the kitchen industry, generated millions in sales as a result, and is the only person in the world who can call himself a Cialdini and BJ Fogg Certified Trainer. Joris Groen is a psychologist and user experience designer who specializes in online persuasion. He has improved the results of hundreds of websites, online shops, apps, and online campaigns for notable companies like KLM, Mercedes-Benz, and

Both experts join me today to discuss how to turn visitors into buyers in the online space by applying behavioral psychology techniques—including one common technique from the 1970s that is making a revival now in the digital landscape. They’ll also share some of their insights into how to reduce or eliminate buyer’s remorse, increase authority or social proof, and how some unique applications of the Cialdini method are working well in the digital world.

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Matthew Pollard is a sales expert and the founder of Rapid Growth Coach. He’s a speaker, blogger, and podcaster, as well as the author of The Introvert’s Edge and his newest book, The Introvert’s Edge to Networking. Today Matthew joins the show to share his tips on becoming better at networking, whether it’s in person or virtually.

Listen in as he explains the importance of niching down and branding yourself accordingly so that you stick out from the crowd. You will learn how to properly do cold outreach, the benefit of sending a voice memo over a generic message, and more.

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Gad Saad, Ph.D., is one of the best-known intellectuals fighting what he calls the tyranny of political correctness, often writing and speaking about idea pathogens that are destroying logic, science, reason, and common sense. A pioneer in the application of evolutionary psychology to consumer behavior, he joins the show today to share his knowledge on the topic, diving deep into why this is so important in today’s world.

Listen in as Gad shares insights from his book, The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense, and explains the concept of comparative psychology. You will learn the main issues with social sciences, how to apply an evolutionary lens to understand our cognitive vices, and the importance of studying marketing—even if you are knowledgeable about the subject at hand.

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Tim Kachuriak is a nonprofit thought leader, author, co-author, lead researcher, and speaker, as well as the founder and Chief Innovation and Optimization Officer for NextAfter, a fundraising research lab consultancy and training institute that helps charities, nonprofits, and NGOs grow their resource capacity. His work has led him to ask one very important question: Why do people give?

In this episode, Tim will be sharing what he's learned through his research about how various organizations solicit donations, what works best (and what doesn't work) for fundraising, and the motivations behind why people undertake such an irrational action of giving their hard-earned money away to something intangible. Listen in to learn the deeper motivation behind why people are inspired to donate and Tim's best tips for increasing donations for nonprofits and smaller e-commerce companies alike.

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*Original air date: Jan 3, 2019.*

Brian Ahearn is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence PEOPLE, as well as a dynamic international keynote speaker, trainer, coach, and consultant. Named one of the Top 100 Influencers of 2016 by the Science of Digital Marketing, Brian specializes in applying the science of influence and persuasion in everyday situations. He is one of only 20 individuals in the world who currently holds the Cialdini Method Certified Trainer designation, and his LinkedIn course, Persuasive Selling, has been viewed over 150,000 times.

In this episode, Brian shares examples of how Cialdini's Principles of Persuasion can be utilized in marketing, as well as in our everyday lives. Listen in to hear how the scarcity mindset drives people into action, what you can do to gain more perceived authority, and more.

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Jason Bradshaw created his first business at fourteen, selling telecommunications and computer equipment in the Australian city of Toowoomba. With a keen interest in the power of the customer and employee experience, he tested and implemented strategies for improving experiences in a variety of sectors. During his time in the telecommunications industry, he improved the customer experience in a number of verticals by over 100 percent, saved tens of millions of dollars in a matter of months in retail and media, and created tens of millions in revenue improvement through his initiatives.

In this episode, Jason shares his thoughts on the fusion of the customer and employee experience, what metrics you should really be looking at to determine the experience your customers are having, and his single best piece of advice for improving that experience. He will also give his insider perspective on where he sees the automobile industry evolving, including whether the dealership model will become a thing of the past.

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Erich Joachimsthaler is an award-winning author, co-author, speaker, visiting professor at many of the world’s leading schools, and Founder and CEO of VIVALDI, one of the largest independent global strategy and business transformation firms. He is also a branding expert, and his latest book, THE INTERACTION FIELD: The Revolutionary New Way to Create Shared Value for Businesses, Customers, and Society, shines a light on a new way of looking at a successful business model for the future.

Listen in as Erich explains the differences and similarities between interaction fields, ecosystems, and platforms, as well as why interaction fields are the business model of the future—with a focus on collaboration over competition. He will also share the missed opportunity that Burberry had to overcome many friction challenges and how Tesla is a true example of an interaction field in how it solves problems simultaneously for consumers, industry, and society.

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Ashley Whillans is a professor at Harvard Business School and a leading scholar in the time and happiness research field. Twice, she’s been named a Rising Star of Behavioral Science by the Behavioral Science & Policy Association, and in 2016 she cofounded a "nudge unit"—namely, the Department of Behavioral Science in the Policy, Innovation, and Engagement division of the British Columbia Public Service Agency. Ashley is also the author of the new book, TIME SMART: How to Reclaim Your Time and Live a Happier Life.

She joins the show today to discuss how she is helping people to live happier and healthier lives using insights from behavioral science. Listen in to learn how making small decisions in our daily lives can bring us more joy, as well as how time poverty affects our happiness—despite the fact that we theoretically have more leisure time than we've ever had. You'll also discover how the technology paradox has actually taken time away from us and what we can do to better protect our time with so much of our lives going virtual.

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Tim Ash was the co-founder and CEO of SiteTuners for 19 years, and he helped to create over $1.2 billion in value for companies like Google, Expedia, and Nestle. Now a globally acknowledged authority on evolutionary psychology and digital marketing, Tim joins the show today to share insights from his new book, Unleash Your Primal Brain: Demystifying how we think and why we act.

Listen in as he shares the importance of understanding the brain if you are in marketing in order to understand what makes people want to purchase a product. You will learn about the evolution of our brains, the changes in human behavior that Tim has observed since the beginning of the pandemic, and more.

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Duane Varan, Ph.D., is the CEO of MediaScience, a leading provider of lab-based audience/marketing research with labs in Austin, Chicago, and New York. Known as the champion of transparency and validation of neuromarketing methods, Duane is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed papers. Today he joins the show to discuss how his neuromarketing firm is coping through the pandemic.

Listen in as Duane explains how they are making lab-based research safer by creating in-home tools for subjects to use remotely. You will learn what a neurocube is (including how it is used), interesting takeaways from political neuromarketing during the 2016 election, and more.

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Nir Bashan is an author and creativity expert who has worked with Hollywood and music stars like Woody Harrelson and Rod Stewart. Nir has won a Clio award, and has even been nominated for an Emmy. Through working with the rich and famous, he has come to discover something that may shock you: creative superstars are really no different from you or me! 

Listen in as Nir shares how he has taught thousands of leaders and individuals around the globe to harness the power of creativity to improve profitability, increase sales, boost customer service, and ultimately create more meaning in their work. You'll learn why creativity is not the revolutionary new product that you may think it is, as well as the number one enemy of creativity—and how to avoid it.

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Michael Port is an author, speaker, small business marketing consultant, and public speaking teacher. Best known for his writing, public speaking, and regular contributions to Entrepreneur magazine, Michael is also the founder of the Book Yourself Solid School of Coach Training and the school of Heroic Public Speaking, along with his wife and business partner, Amy Port.

He joins the show today to discuss how his business has adapted to the changes caused by the pandemic, as well as how to overcome the limitations of virtual presentations. Listen in to learn what it takes to engage audiences intellectually and emotionally—whether in-person or virtually—and why quality over quantity is especially important in the digital era.

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Trey Gowdy is a former state and federal prosecutor, four-term member of the U.S. Congress, and the author of Doesn't Hurt To Ask: Using The Power of Questions To Communicate, Connect, and Persuade. Drawing on his experience in both the courtroom and Congress, he comes at the topic of persuasion from a rather different angle than most experts. If you’re keen to use the power of persuasion to succeed, this is definitely an episode you won’t want to miss.

Listen in to find out the role of a prosecutor in the United States (it probably isn’t what you think!), why Trey has never asked a jury to convict in his opening statements, and why you should be persuadable to be effectively persuasive. You'll learn what Trey thinks of the Kamala Harris nomination for vice president and whether he sees hope for the future as we head into the end of 2020.

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Vanessa Van Edwards is the founder of Science of People, where she teaches entrepreneurs, businesses, and trillion-dollar companies how to grow their businesses using science-based people skills. She is also the author of the bestselling book, Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People.

In this episode, Vanessa explains how to assume familiarity when meeting new people—whether in person or online—to make an immediate connection with them. Listen in to learn how to start a conversation without making the other person feel awkward and how to make a positive, long-lasting first impression.

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You are probably asking for more favors than you realize. Think about it: How often are you reaching out to schedule a meeting, get an order, or get another person to do something that will ultimately benefit you? Even the emails you send and phone calls you make likely have a favor request embedded in them.

So in this all-new solo episode, I'm offering nine ways to boost your success rate when asking for favors—all based on science! Listen in to learn the importance of reciprocation, why it is beneficial to identify common interests with the person you are asking a favor from, and more.

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Dr. Nick Morgan is one of America’s top communication speakers, theorists, and coaches. He has been commissioned by Fortune 50 companies to write for CEOs and presidents alike. Nick’s latest book, Can You Hear Me?, is a guide to communicating effectively in a virtual world, via email, Zoom, webinars, and any other medium that makes emotions and meaning harder to convey.

In this episode, Nick shares the biggest mistakes he is seeing companies make during their virtual communications, as well as how to portray your friendliness through the written word—without facial expressions. Listen in to learn how to keep energy up and employees/colleagues engaged, how to make a video call visually pleasing, and more.

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*Original air date: May 11, 2017.*

In this rare solo episode of the podcast, I'm running through the top 10 science-based headshot hacks you should use. Whether you are choosing a headshot for professional bio pages, your own website, or social media, these tips will help. Scientists have thoroughly analyzed the specific headshot and profile photo factors that will help you project intelligence, trustworthiness, and friendliness. You only get one chance at a first impression, make it count!

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Larry Siegel is the Gary P. Brinson Director of Research at the CFA Institute Research Foundation and an independent consultant, writer, and speaker. He has written, co-authored, or edited a large number of journal articles, magazine articles, and CFA Institute Research Foundation monographs, and his book, Fewer, Richer, Greener: Prospects for Humanity in an Age of Abundance, reached #1 in Economics and #1 in History on Amazon shortly after its release.

In this episode, Larry shares his take on abundance from a fact-based perspective and debunks some common notions about the direction in which the world is headed. Listen in to hear why he says we have every reason to be optimistic about the future—despite the doomsday stories that so often make up the news cycles—and why the coronavirus pandemic has exposed society’s fault lines the way it has. If you’re in need of a bit of optimism in your life, this is an episode you don't want to miss!

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Peter Ramsey is the founder of Built for Mars, a UX consultancy with the simple goal of helping people build better product experiences. He is known for publishing detailed teardowns of the user experience for known brands such as Disney+, MailChimp, and many more. His latest project was a detailed evaluation of common processes at a dozen traditional and challenger banks and fintech firms.

An entrepreneur and expert in user experience, Peter joins the show today to discuss the metrics that can be measured to evaluate your company's user experience, as well as the steps that can be taken to improve these results. Listen in to learn the benefits of using a site search on your website, why companies rely too much on data, and more.

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*Original air date: October 13, 2018.*

James Clear has been covered by USA TodayForbesFast Company, Inc., and US News & World Report. He writes about psychology, habit formation, and peak performance at, his personal website that sees a million visits per month. His articles also frequently appear in outlets like TimeEntrepreneurBusiness InsiderLifehacker, and The Next Web.

An author, entrepreneur, and photographer, James joins the show to share insights from his new book, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Listen in to learn what it takes to form positive habits, how making small changes adds up over time, and how to set yourself up for success.

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Neal Schaffer is a leading authority on helping businesses through their digital transformation of sales and marketing. A popular keynote speaker who has been invited to speak in more than a dozen countries across four continents, Neal teaches digital media to executives at Rutgers University, the Irish Management Institute (Ireland), and the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland). He is also the host of the Maximize Your Social Influence podcast and the author of four books on social media, including his latest, The Age of Influence: The Power of Influencers to Elevate Your Brand.

Listen in as Neal shares his insights on the new age of social media and digital marketing, as well as his number one piece of advice for becoming an influencer in your niche. You'll learn how to build social proof with your audience, how the influencer pyramid has changed as social media has evolved, and why the "know, like, and trust" factor is just as important in the online space as it is offline.

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Laura Patterson is a trusted authority with a 25+ year career in sales and is recognized as one of the pioneers in Marketing Performance Management. Selected as one of the Top 50 women in marketing technology by Martechexec and chosen to be among the Top 20 Women in Business according to the Sales Lead Management Association, Laura has worked across functions spanning customer relationship management, strategic and product marketing, analytics, and marketing operations. Today, she is at the helm of VisionEdge Marketing.

In this episode, Laura shares her passion for marketing, as well as insights from her recent book, Fast-Track Your Business: A Customer-Centric Approach to Accelerate Market Growth, which has received industry acclaim. Listen in to learn why the old adage “if you build it, they will come” is a fallacy, how to assess whether your company is actually putting the customer first, and what it takes to create long-term and sustainable company growth. 

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Prince Ghuman is is a Professor of Neuromarketing at Hult International Business School, holding dual roles as the U.S. Director of Consumer Marketing and the Global Director of B2B Marketing for OFX. Matt Johnson is a professor, researcher, and writer specializing in the application of neuroscience and psychology to the business world. Together, Matt and Prince have co-authored Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes Our Brains, a book about the surprising relationships between our brains and brands.

Today Prince and Matt join the show to discuss the impact that certain marketing may be having on your brain—without you being conscious of it. Listen in to learn why it is so important to make your advertising transparent and ethical in order to build trust with your customers and how to create a memorable experience to build loyal customers and a long-lasting brand.

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Jez Groom has been practicing behavioral science for over ten years, working with some of the biggest organizations around the world. In 2016 he founded Cowry Consulting, the leading behavioral economics consultancy, and is currently a visiting fellow of Behavioural Science at City University.

April Vellacott has been studying the field of human behavior for nearly a decade, and holds degrees in Psychology and Behavior Change. As a behavioral consultant at Cowry Consulting, she helps global clients apply behavioral science in their organizations.

Together, Jez and April are the authors of the new book, Ripple: The big effects of small behaviour changes in business, and they join the show today to share how small behavior changes can have wide-reaching effects. Listen as they give real-life examples of how nudge theory has had massive impacts on outcomes, why friction is sometimes a good thing, and how behavioral principles can benefit any business.

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Dan Hill, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized expert on the role of emotions in politics, business, sports, and popular culture. Dan has spoken to audiences in over 25 countries, and pioneered the use of facial coding in market research in 1998. His company, Sensory Logic, Inc., has done work for over half the world’s top 100 consumer-oriented B2C companies, and he has appeared in numerous media outlets, including CNN, Bloomberg TV, and The Wall Street Journal.

In this episode, Dan shares insights from his latest book, First Blush: People's Intuitive Reactions to Famous Art. Listen in to learn about his groundbreaking study on what imagery grabs our attention (or doesn’t), how it applies to marketing and advertising, and why you may want to think of people as cats when you’re crafting advertising messages.

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Robbie Kellman Baxter is a bestselling author, speaker, and consultant with more than 20 years of experience providing strategic business advice to major organizations like Netflix and LinkedIn. In the past 10 years, her company, Peninsula Strategies, has advised over 100 organizations on subscription and growth strategy. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and CNN, as well as interviewed on over 50 podcasts—including once before on this one.

In this episode, we’re diving into her zone of genius with subscription models and discussing the risks and benefits of moving to a subscription or membership model. Listen in to learn what to consider before taking the leap, how to measure the success of your subscription approach, and how subscription models have changed not just the marketing behind a product, but also the product itself.

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Tom Peters is the co-author of In Search of Excellence, the book that changed the way the world does business and is often tagged as the best business book ever. Seventeen books and thirty-five years later, he is still at the forefront of the “management guru industry” that he single-handedly invented. Tom joins the show today to share how businesses are operating during this crisis, as well as the two new manifestos he has created to help cope with the current pandemic: Excellence Now: The 27 "Number Ones" and Excellence 2020 Observations: Leading with Compassion and Care in Troubled Times.

Listen in as he explains how to be an outstanding leader by being empathetic and desperate for employees to succeed. You will learn how this pandemic has shown which companies truly care about their employees, how these businesses can do better, and Tom's best advice on how to lead your team to a successful future.

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Steve Sims is an expert marketer within the luxury industry and the founder of Bluefish, one of the top personal concierge services in the world. Also known as the “Real Life Wizard of Oz” for his ability to make the impossible possible, Steve has worked with Elton John and Elon Musk and has been quoted in various publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and London’s The Sunday Times. He joins the show today to share his lessons on success for any size business.

Listen in as Steve explains why communication is so integral to success, as well as the most important question that you should be asking your clients. You'll learn why sometimes ignorance is a superpower, how he turned one client into James Bond for a day, and what it takes to make amazing things happen in life and business.

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Steve Martin is a behavioral scientist and the CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK UK, a leading global behavioral science consultancy. His work applying influence and persuasion science to business, organizational, and public policy has been featured in the national and international press, including the New York Times and BBC.

In this episode, Steve shares insights from his newest book, Messengers: Who We Listen To, Who We Don't, and Why, which he co-authored with Joseph Marks. Listen to learn why we are more inclined to listen to certain people over others, whether the way you look or dress truly does affect how others perceive you, and how to fine-tune your persuasion skills to improve your business's success.

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Mike Robbins is a sought-after speaker and consultant who has worked with some of the top organizations in the world, including Google and Microsoft. Also a regular contributor to Forbes, the host of a weekly podcast, and the author of five books, Mike joins the show today to explain how to build trust within your team and create a culture of high performance.

Listen in as we discuss what qualities allow teams to come together and thrive, as well as how to address conflict within your team. You will learn how to be a balanced leader—including how to be perceived as someone who can lead the group while still being authentic and vulnerable—how to build a deeper connection with your team, and more.

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Mike Michalowicz is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and lecturer who is currently running his third multimillion-dollar venture, Profit First Professionals. Also a former small business columnist for the Wall Street Journal and the former business makeover specialist on MSNBC, Mike has traveled the globe speaking with thousands of entrepreneurs to help them improve their businesses.

In this episode, Mike shares insights from his newest book, Fix This Next: Make the Vital Change That Will Level Up Your Business, including why the biggest challenge business owners have is knowing what their biggest challenge actually is. Listen in as he discusses why every business has its own hierarchy of needs, as well as how to stop running in endless circles putting out fires—and instead focus on the next thing that will effortlessly move your business forward.

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Rana el Kaliouby, Ph.D., is a pioneer in artificial emotional intelligence (emotion AI), as well as the co-founder and CEO of Affectiva, the acclaimed AI startup. Also an acclaimed TED Talk and Aspen Ideas speaker, Rana was named one of America's Top 50 Women in Tech by Forbes and included in Fortune's 40 Under 40 list. Today she joins the show to break down the science behind our emotions, facial recognition, and emotional responses.

Listen in as she shares insights from her new book, Girl Decoded: A Scientist's Quest to Reclaim Our Humanity by Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Technology, including how reliable facial expressions truly are for detecting feelings and how much individual or cultural variation there is when it comes to emotion. You'll learn why emotional intelligence is so important, how emotion AI is improving teleconferencing, and more.

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Stefan H. Thomke is a leading authority on the management of innovation, as well as the William Barclay Harding Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. The author of Experimentation Works, Stefan has written over one hundred articles, case studies, and notes in books and journals, including the Harvard Business Review, Management Science, and MIT Sloan Management Review. He has also chaired numerous executive education programs in companies around the world and is a frequent conference speaker and advisor to global business leaders.

In this episode, Stefan explains the benefits of conducting experiments within your company, as well as the importance of reflecting on all experiment outcomes—even if they are negative—in order to learn from them. Listen in to discover how to successfully incorporate experimentation into your business, the common thread in positive customer experiences, and how to evoke the desired emotion in your customers.

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Dr. Péter Érdi serves as the Henry R. Luce Professor of Complex Systems Studies at Kalamazoo College, and he is the founding co-director of the study abroad program, Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science. Also the author of books on mathematical modeling of chemical, biological, and other complex systems, he has been published by big names such as Princeton University Press and MIT Press.

Today Péter joins the show to discuss a topic many people are familiar with but may not know much about: rankings, ratings, and lists. Listen in as he shares insights from his new book, Ranking: The Unwritten Rules of the Social Game We All Play, and explains why people attempt to rank everything in their lives, why we put so much faith in these rankings, and why lists are so attractive to us.

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Mathew Sweezey is the Director of Market Strategy for Salesforce. Also a researcher, award-winning marketer, and keynote speaker at conferences around the world, Mathew routinely works with the world's largest and most well-respected brands, including UPS and Home Depot. He is the author of Marketing Automation for Dummies, as well as his latest book, The Context Marketing Revolution.

In this episode, Mathew explains how he improves customer experience by looking at modern media, technology, and consumer behavior. Listen in to learn how to use contextual marketing to reduce friction for consumers, how to motivate buyers in the age of social media, and more.

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Ben Cohen is a sports reporter for the Wall Street Journal who writes about the NBA, the Olympics, and other topics that don't involve extraordinarily athletic people. While he is definitely the first sports reporter to join this show, he may also be the first sports reporter to write about behavioral science and cognitive biases.

In this episode, Ben covers both of those topics and more as he shares insights from his new book, The Hot Hand. Listen in to learn about the science and mystery of streaks, how The Hot Hand Fallacy may be faulted, and how to differentiate between random and skilled performances.

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Jonah Berger is a marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, an internationally bestselling author, and a world-renowned expert on change, influence, and consumer behavior. Also a leader in how products, ideas, and behaviors catch on, Jonah joins the show today to share insights from his most recent book, The Catalyst, including how to start influencing and stop manipulating your customers.

Listen in as he explains why persuasion is so hard and why simply telling people the facts is not always enough. You'll learn the importance of giving your customers and employees a choice instead of telling them what to do, the key to negotiation, and what it takes to get your customers to persuade themselves.

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Jim McKelvey is a serial entrepreneur, inventor, philanthropist, and artist. The co-founder of Square, where he still serves on the Board of Directors, and founder Invisibly, an ambitious project set to rewire the economics of online content, Jim joins the show today to explain the benefits of reducing friction in your customers' transactions and more.

Listen in as he shares insights from his new book, The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time, as well as the story behind Square. You'll learn how to push through the hardships you may face as an entrepreneur, boost your credibility, and simplify things in your business.

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Jeanne Bliss has been helping companies like Land’s End and Microsoft Corp create deeper bonds with their customers for 35 years. She has shepherded a whole new breed of leader into the marketplace, guiding over 20,000 leaders around the world to understand that improving lives should be their most important strategic vision. Today Jeanne joins the show to share insights from her book Would You Do That To Your Mother? and explains how to be clear about how you want to be remembered.

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Chris Goward is the founder of Widerfunnel & GO Group Digital, as well as one of the most recognized conversion optimization experts on the planet. Chris founded Widerfunnel with the belief that great customer experiences should be continuously tested to prove their value. Now, he helps massive companies such as Microsoft and Dollar Shave Club improve their growth.

In this episode, Chris shares insights from his book, You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Profit or The Art and Science of Optimized Marketing, including how to improve customer experience by testing it out. Listen in to learn how to ethically market online and how to understand the emotion behind the decisions your customers make.

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Robin Dreeke received advanced training and operational experience in social psychology, as well as in the practical applications of the science of relationship development during his time in the Marine Corps. Eventually, Robin rose to direct the behavioral analysis program at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Recently retired from the FBI, he is the author of three books, including his latest, Sizing People Up: A Veteran FBI Agent’s User Manual for Behavior Prediction.

He joins the show today to discuss whether there is an art to deception, as well as why some people are better at hiding how they truly feel. Listen in to learn how to build trust with the people around you, what to look for when sizing people up during an initial meeting, and more.

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Scott Adams is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, with an estimated 150 million readers across 65 countries. Scott also has dozens of books in print, including his most recent title, Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America, and his daily video streams on the Periscope app, titled Coffee With Scott Adams, are slowly taking over the internet.

Today he joins the show to discuss the absurdity of business and why things never really change in that arena—a big part of the reason he never runs out of material for Dilbert. Listen in to learn why we must stop “mind-reading,” the importance of building trust with the people you are trying to persuade, and more.

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Micah Solomon is one of the world's leading authorities on customer service and company culture. A consultant and keynote speaker on the customer experience, as well as the author of Ignore Your Customers (and They’ll Go Away): The Simple Playbook for Delivering the Ultimate Customer Service Experience, Micah is called on by companies in every industry for help transforming their customer service and bottom-line results.

In this episode, he explains why companies must think ahead in order to understand and prepare for what their customers truly want. Listen in to learn what it takes to improve your company culture and create the best experience for your customers.

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Scott Stratten is a former music industry marketer, the president of UnMarketing, and the author of five best-selling business books. After running one of the most successful viral video agencies in the world for nearly a decade, Scott began focusing on speaking at big events to help companies navigate their way through the landscape of business disruption.

He has always had an interesting perspective—usually looking for logic and reason—and in this episode, he shares his thoughts on several topics around marketing. Listen in to gain insights from his new book, The Jackass Whisperer: How to deal with the worst people at work, at home and online—even when the Jackass is you, and learn how to stop stressing about the annoying people and situations in your life.

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Will Leach is the founder of TriggerPoint, a leading behavioral research and design consultancy specializing in Mindstate Marketing. With over 25 years of behavioral insights experience, Will is also a behavioral design instructor at the Cox School of Business BLC at Southern Methodist University and the CEO of the Mindstate Group, a company that teaches how to apply behavioral design to marketing and innovation.

In this episode, Will explains what marketers need to understand in order to truly get into the minds of customers and understand their decision-making process. Listen in to gain key insights from his book, Marketing to Mindstates: The Practical Guide to Applying Behavior Design to Research and Marketing, and learn how you too can use behavioral psychology to optimize marketing for your business.

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Jono Bacon is a leading community and management strategy consultant, speaker, and author. Now the founder of a company that provides community and management advice, Jono has consulted and advised a range of organizations. He previously served as director of community at GitHub, Canonical, XPRIZE, and OpenAdvantage.

In this episode, Jono explains why building an online community is easier than ever and shares insights from his new book, People Powered: How Communities Can Supercharge Your Business, Brand, and Team. Listen in to learn how you can grow your business through an online community and how to make sure that community is easily accessible.

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David Meerman Scott spotted the real-time marketing revolution in its infancy—and wrote five books about it. One of them, The New Rules of Marketing and PR, sold more than 400,000 copies in English and is available in 29 languages. He joins the show today to explain how superficial online communications have made tech-weary people hungry for true human connection and what you can do to help your business thrive.

Listen in as he shares how organizations have learned to win by tapping into the mindset that relationships with customers are more important than the products they sell. You'll gain insights from his new book, Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans, and discover how you can create the kind of customer experience that keeps people coming back.

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BJ Fogg is the founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University and one of the best known behavioral scientists out there. He teaches industry innovators how human behavior really works, and he created the Tiny Habits Academy to help people around the world improve their lives and the lives of their clients.

In this episode, BJ shares insights from his book, Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything, and explains how to quickly and easily improve your habits. Listen in to learn what it takes to increase your motivation, how to break bad habits, and what we can all do to design for positive change.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST