
I first met Bart at the Conversion Jam Conference in Stockholm, where we both were speakers. I found it fascinating and fun that we were able to approach the same business website conversion problems from completely different angles. Bart has some real opinions on translating brain and behavior research into actionable strategies, and he has a knack for taking complex science and explaining it in terms that business people can understand. Bart is on today to share some of those tips and tactics to help you use economic psychology to increase your sales. 

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This week is a departure from the usual format. It’s an interview, but I’m the one being interviewed. In this episode, I speak with Alex Harris about a variety of conversion and marketing optimization topics.  We taped it for his video podcast, MarketingOptimization.TV, but I thought we covered so much useful content that I asked Alex if I could publish the audio version here.


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My guest this week on The Brainfluence Podcast is author, speaker, and now, TV personality, Dan Pink. With New York Times 5 best-sellers to his credit, including Drive and To Sell is Human, Daniel has done more than anyone to bring behavior research to the non-academic world. He is a best-selling author with 20 years of experience in studying and writing about behavioral science, motivation, persuasion, and more. 

We talk about the fascinating and sometimes funny hidden camera experiments in Dan's new TV show, Crowd Control, on Nat Geo.  

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Through observations of nonverbal behavior and the use of the Personal Discernment Inventory, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and his proprietary techniques, Robin has built highly-effective tools for all aspects and stages of interpersonal communication. He combined all these tools and techniques and has created his one-of-a-kind formula.

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This week’s show comes to you from Austin, Texas, where I chat with fellow Austinites, Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg. They are the co-authors of New York Times bestsellers like Call to Action and Waiting for Your Cat to Bark. For almost 20 years, Bryan and Jeffrey have helped B2B and B2C companies such as HP, Google, Intel, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, GE Healthcare, Overstock, NBC Universal, Edmunds, Travelocity, and others to craft marketing strategies that work, emphasizing the optimization of customer experience in order to convert more leads, subscriptions, and sales. 

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This week’s guest on The Brainfluence Podcast, is scientist, author, entrepreneur and speaker Paul J. Zak. Paul is the founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University and the founder of O-Factor, Inc. He's a pioneer in the study of oxytocin and the neurochemistry of human behavior.

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This week, we’re going to talk about how the way you describe your product or service can actually change what the customer experiences. While some business operate under the old maxim of “underpromise and overdeliver”, you may not only be selling your business and product short, but you may be creating a less-than-stellar customer experience.

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After last week’s epic interview with Dr. Robert Cialdini, I decided to do a short solo recording focused on the intersection of magic, neuroscience, and selling. 

Today we dive into how to master the art of the top magicians to captivate and hold our audience's focus. Listen in to learn how you too can learn to harness your body and your mind to ensure that your customers can't take their eyes off of you.

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This week, I am delighted to welcome a legend in the field of persuasion and influence, Dr. Robert Cialdini.  His best-selling book Influence has sold over two million copies and has been translated into 27 languages. He is currently Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. We cover a variety of topics, including how small changes can have a big impact on the behavior of others.

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This week on The Brainfluence Podcast, our guest is Paul Roetzer. Paul is the founder and CEO of PR 20/20, a Cleveland-based inbound marketing agency, whose focus is on getting and measuring results using marketing technology. Paul is also a fellow Wiley author, having written The Marketing Agency Blueprint and The Marketing Performance Blueprint: Strategies and Technologies to Build and Measure Business Success.

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Today, we are exploring the sensory weapons that retailers need to be wielding against their eCommerce competitors, and how appealing to all five senses of consumers can give retailers the upper hand. Listen in to the podcast to learn how the sensory side of retail works, and how several examples of real companies have capitalized on this with huge success.

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Our special guest this week on the Brainfluence Podcast is Scott Stratten. Scott is the President of the company, UnMarketing, a sought after-keynote speaker and an expert in viral, authentic and social marketing, utilizing a proprietary system called Un-Marketing. He is also the bestselling author of multiple business books, including his newest book Unselling: The New Customer Experience.

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This week on The Brainfluence Podcast, I welcome Kyle Henderson to the show. Kyle is the founder and chief product officer at YouEye, Inc. 

Using your customers' own computers, smart phones and tablets, YouEye enables your to get insight and instant feedback on website design, media and even products. Kyle and I discuss usability testing, the challenges of mobile, and the "cognitive funnel" aspect of ecommerce.

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Crowdlaunching is a novel way to launch a product that has been developed but needs to build buzz and community. Crowdlaunching co-creator Moses Ma is one of the three principal founders of FutureLab and the managing partner of Next Generation Ventures, where he helps launch enterprise, e-Commerce and e-Learning start-ups.

Moses has created some of the world’s best-selling computer games and have been praised as a tech visionary in Times Magazine and the New York Times. Drawing upon years of experience as an innovation consultant for companies worldwide, Moses co-authored his new book, Agile Innovation: The Revolutionary Approach to Accelerate Business, Inspire Engagement, and Ignite Creativity.

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This week on The Brainfluence Podcast, I welcome Anna Simpson to the show. Anna is the Curator of the Futures Centre and Editor of Green Futures, a publication of the Forum for the Future in Singapore. She is an accomplished journalist and speaker, specializing in the future of business and society. She most recently spoke at the Sustainability Communications Forum in London and the World Forum for a Responsible Economy in Lille. Anna is the author of the new book, The Brand Strategist’s Guide to Desire: How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want.

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Our special guest this week, Ann Handley, claims the distinction of being the world’s first Chief Content Officer. Ann is a co-founder of ClickZ and is currently CCO at MarketingProfs. She is also a columnist for Entrepreneur magazine, keynote speaker, co-author of the best-selling Content Rules with C.C. Chapman and author of the brand new Everybody Writes, Your Go-To Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content.

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This week, we discuss why having an enemy can be beneficial for any business. This has its roots in the psychological theory of Social Identity that was pioneered by Henri Tajfel. This British psychologist showed that humans are wired to see themselves as a member of a group, and could easily be influenced to identify with fellow group members and discriminate against members of rival groups. We'll show how businesses like Apple have exploited this concept on their path to global domination.

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Today’s Brainfluence Podcast is the first of its kind, as we are recording in person on the University of Texas, Austin campus. Our guest is Dr. Art Markman, who is the Annabel Irion Worsham Centennial Professor of Psychology and Marketing and a cognitive scientist. Art’s book, Smart Change: Five Tools to Create New and Sustainable Habits in Yourself and Others delves into how the motivational system works. Art explores how to utilize the brain mechanisms that drive behaviors, either for good or for bad.

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Our special guest this week is one of the leading experts on neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience, Dr. Thomas Ramsøy. Thomas is the Director of the Center for Decision Neuroscience at Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen University Hospital, the founder and CEO of Neurons, Inc., and author of the book Introduction to Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience. Thomas holds a Ph.D. in Neurobiology and Neuroimaging from the University of Copenhagen, along with Masters Degrees in Economics and Neuropsychology. With Thomas’s guidance in his book, he demonstrates the commercial application of neuroscience into business and marketing that can be applied to just about any business.

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This week, I welcome Joel Weinberger, Ph.D. to the Brainfluence Podcast. Joel is a practicing Clinical Personality and Motivation Psychologist, professor of Advanced Psychological Studies at the Derner Institute at Adelphi University in New York and judge for the Ogilvy Awards. He is a founding partner of Implicit Strategies, which was founded by Joel and Dr Drew Westin, who are both internationally recognized neuroscientists and psychologists. Drawing on their combined decades of research and clinical experience, Implicit Strategies is working to change the face of market research as we know it.


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Jim’s Book, Riveted, breaks down the similarities between what attracts people to art, religion, sports, books, and gossip. The goal of Riveted is to find what ties all of these things in our world together, why certain pieces of art compel us, or why a book can hold our attention for hours. In his book, Jim strives to help readers to be open to new information and stimulus. Listen in as Jim explains how to become more compelling in both your brand and your business to capture the imagination of your customers.

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his week, I welcome to the show Christian Madsbjerg. Christian is the co-founder and director of client relations at ReD Associates as well as the co-author of the book, The Moment of Clarity – Using the Human Sciences to Solve Your Toughest Business Problems. 

With Christian’s guidance, you can radically change the way in which you solve problems to alter the course of your business. Listen in for Christian’s valuable advice, and a sneak peak at what Christian and ReD Associates offers to their clients.

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This week, I am excited to bring Nancy Duarte on the show. Nancy is the founder and CEO of Duarte, Inc, a communication expert, thought leader, and award-winning author of Slide:ology, The HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations, Resonate and her latest, the free E-book Slidedocs. She is one of’s Top 100 Leadership and Management Experts, and her company, the fifth largest female employer in the Silicon Valley, has created over a quarter of a million presentations for their clients worldwide. 

Listen in for a sneak peek into Nancy’s books and company to maximize the potential of your presentations.

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Our guest this week, Carla Nagel is at the forefront of pushing neuromarketing to a higher level of professionalism and understanding. Carla is the founder and executive director of the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA). Her goal is to create an association to promote neuromarketing, connect with people worldwide, and work towards a resolution of the pressing ethical issues. We cover a range of topics, ranging from fear of advertising enhanced by neuromarketing to how new techniques make neuromarketing accessible for any marketing budget.

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Our special guest this week is conversion expert Brian Massey. Brian is the Conversion Scientist™, the founder of Conversion Sciences, creator of The Conversion Scientist blog, and author of Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Website Formulas of The Conversion Scientist. Listen in as Brian sheds light on several of the greatest tools you can use to maximize the potential of your website.

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This week, I am excited to bring Chris Goward on the program. Chris is the founder one of the most sought-after marketing optimization agencies, Wider Funnel, and best-selling author of You Should Test That. Chris’s book takes a mixed approach using what he calls his conceptual manifesto as to why companies need to radically change up their marketing approach. With Chris’s help, you can dive into finding the right questions to ask in order to achieve the desired results from your website. Listen in for a sneak peek into Chris’s models and concepts to maximize your potential. 

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On this episode of The Brainfluence Podcast, Peter McLaughlin joins us to share another side of the conversation we started last week with Dr. Nick Morgan. After a life-changing cancer diagnosis coupled with Lyme disease, Peter started digging into the massive amounts of research on alternative cures. His research led to the discovery of the power of the placebo effect and how truly powerful the human mind is. Drawing upon his unique experiences and talents he wrote Becoming The Customer – Empathy, Influence, and Closing the Sale and has since turned it into a sales development program.

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This week, I am pleased to welcome Dr. Nick Morgan to the show. His latest book, Power Cues, delves into the latest discoveries of human communication that integrate brain and behavioral sciences. With Nick’s guidance, you'll communicate with physical gestures, sounds and posture that match and enhance your message. Listen in for a preview of Nick’s practical, yet powerful methods of maximizing your impact with audiences large and small.

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Tune in as Chris Nodder breaks down design techniques and marketing strategies that can be used to influence people to do what you want them to do. Don’t miss this episode full of insights into the psychology of user interaction design!

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On this episode,we are talking about the Persuasion Slide Theory, developed by Roger Dooley in 2013. This theory was first presented at the ConvesionSUMMIT in Frankfurt, Germany as a model or container into which other persuasion theories can fit. It integrates many different theories of persuasion that tend to operate separately of each other into a practical and applicable business model. 

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John’s latest book, Duct Tape Selling, shows how employing the strategies of today’s inbound marketing will maximize sales results. It is full of practical advice for small and medium businesses, helping them to develop sales superstars. If you think Sales and Marketing don’t mix, you are in for a surprise.

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Challenging conventional notions of how to be a  prosperous entrepreneur can leave one with some pretty uncomfortable labels, such as “oddball,” “eccentric,” or even “freak.” In this episode of The Brainfluence Podcast, Chris Brogan shares how he is reclaiming the term “freak” as a brand of empowerment and success..

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The “father of neuromarketing” Dr. David Lewis joins me on this episode to discuss the incredible evolution of consumer neuroscience.

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Gini teaches how to communicate with honesty, responsibility and authentically to truly earn the trust of your customers, investors and community. 

You must tune in to hear the wealth of actionable information Gini shares on this week’s episode. Don’t miss it! 

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On this week's episode, we are talking to Carl Marci about the science of persuasion and engagement across all forms of media.

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I am excited to introduce Steven Kotler to this week's episode of The Brainfluence Podcast.

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This week, I am pleased to welcome Nir Eyal to the show

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I'm very pleased to welcome Nathalie Nahai to the very first episode of The Brainfluence Podcast. Nathalie got her roots in psychology before she started pursuing a career in the music industry designing websites. About 4 or 5 years ago, she thought about combining her knowledge of psychology in the online space.

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