Thu, 26 September 2019
Rory Sutherland is one of the most influential advertising professionals in the world today. Having worked as the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy since 1988, Rory has formed a behavioral science practice within the agency, where his team works to uncover the hidden business and social possibilities that emerge when you apply creative minds to the latest thinking in psychology and behavioral science. In this episode, Rory shares insight from his book, Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life, and breaks down why we do the things we do. Listen in as he explains how to increase the perceived value of an offer, what you must never do in customer service, and more. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: |
Thu, 19 September 2019
Paul Smith is one of the world’s leading experts in business storytelling. One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers of 2018, Paul is also a storytelling coach and the bestselling author of Sell with a Story and The 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell. He joins the show today to share his best storytelling secrets to help you become a more persuasive and inspiring leader. Listen in as Paul explains what makes storytelling so important, as well as the 10 stories you need to incorporate into your business if you want to set a direction for your organization. You'll learn why most great leaders are also great storytellers and what it takes to tell the kinds of stories that motivate and stick with people. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: |
Thu, 12 September 2019
Nir Eyal is a writer, consultant, and teacher on the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Dubbed “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology” by The M.I.T. Technology Review, Nir has founded two tech companies and his writing has been featured in The Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today. He is also the author of the bestselling book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, as well as Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. In this episode, Nir explains how to reduce distractions and be as productive as you want to be in your day. Listen in to learn how to address the internal triggers that cause your distraction and channel them into helpful acts of traction so you can make the most of your time. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: |
Thu, 5 September 2019
John Rossman is the author of Think Like Amazon: 50 ½ Ideas to Become a Digital Leader. A former Amazon executive, John launched and scaled the Marketplace business, which now accounts for more than 50% of all units sold at He now heads Rossman Partners, a niche business advisory firm that helps clients succeed and thrive in the digital era. In this episode, John explains how to measure and improve customer satisfaction, as well as the importance of challenging the status quo. Listen in to discover how your company can compete with more agility and effectiveness, how to improve digital strategies, and more. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: |