
As our guest Art Markman can attest, the intersection between business and human irrationality is becoming increasingly fascinating to academics and CEOs alike. 

Art returns to the podcast in this episode to talk about how businesses are beginning to realize how essential it is to understand the less rational actions of customers. He also shares some of the insights from his new book about how to lead a happy life, whether or not "brain games" really work, and why time seems to fly as we get older.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Video consumption is exploding, and is rapidly overtaking written content as the top medium for communication and content marketing. Veteran filmmaker Vern Oakley's new book, Leadership in Focus: Bringing Out Your Best on Camerateaches leaders in particular how they can create authentic, pitch-perfect video content to connect with their audiences - be they employees, consumers, or constituents.

Vern and I talk about how and why video consumption is growing so quickly and its advantages over written content. Vern tells us why so many people freeze up on camera, and what you can do to come across as the most authentic version of yourself. He explains how you can be more credible, friendly, and trustworthy. We also discuss how to gauge your audience and hit the right note with your communication and editing style. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Ken Blanchard, author of the massive best seller One Minute Manager, is the most prolific author we've had on the show, and he's showing no signs of stopping. His new book, co-authored with Claire Diaz-Ortiz, is One Minute Mentoring: How to Find and Work with a Mentor — And Why You’ll Benefit from Being One.

In this interview, Ken and I talk about his longtime writing career and how he writes books that stand the test of time. We discuss the typical business-book format and voice, and why he and co-authors have decided to buck that trend. Ken also shares his tips for finding a mentor and why he's a big fan of cross-generational mentorship.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

My guest today may be one of the few to say that we ask our advertisements to do too much. But in an age that sees us constantly bombarded by marketing, he has a point - it may be unrealistic to expect a simple banner ad to drive traffic.

Jeff and I talk about advertising friction and how it keeps both people and brands from realizing their goals. Jeff talks about how customers today don't want to be interrupted and how our brains have learned to block out advertising. We highlight some of the biggest and best brands in the advertising game, and how they use inspiring content to keep customers engaged.

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Direct download: BRAINFLUENCE166.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Our guest today reinvented himself from a bestselling author to a media entrepreneur. Tucker Max left Duke Law School in 2001 with a law degree and no interest in becoming a lawyer. Instead, he wrote a book, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, that hit the New York Times bestseller list and created the genre known as "fratire." Eventually, the book would lead to a movie deal and spend more than 100 weeks on the New York Times list. Two of Tucker's other books landed on the NYTimes list as well.

Tucker’s latest venture is Book in a Box, a business that helps busy entrepreneurs and executives write and publish books by managing the process and supporting them every step of the way.

In our conversation, he shares practical advice on turning your knowledge and expertise into a book that people will read and buy.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST