
Crowdlaunching is a novel way to launch a product that has been developed but needs to build buzz and community. Crowdlaunching co-creator Moses Ma is one of the three principal founders of FutureLab and the managing partner of Next Generation Ventures, where he helps launch enterprise, e-Commerce and e-Learning start-ups.

Moses has created some of the world’s best-selling computer games and have been praised as a tech visionary in Times Magazine and the New York Times. Drawing upon years of experience as an innovation consultant for companies worldwide, Moses co-authored his new book, Agile Innovation: The Revolutionary Approach to Accelerate Business, Inspire Engagement, and Ignite Creativity.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

This week on The Brainfluence Podcast, I welcome Anna Simpson to the show. Anna is the Curator of the Futures Centre and Editor of Green Futures, a publication of the Forum for the Future in Singapore. She is an accomplished journalist and speaker, specializing in the future of business and society. She most recently spoke at the Sustainability Communications Forum in London and the World Forum for a Responsible Economy in Lille. Anna is the author of the new book, The Brand Strategist’s Guide to Desire: How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Our special guest this week, Ann Handley, claims the distinction of being the world’s first Chief Content Officer. Ann is a co-founder of ClickZ and is currently CCO at MarketingProfs. She is also a columnist for Entrepreneur magazine, keynote speaker, co-author of the best-selling Content Rules with C.C. Chapman and author of the brand new Everybody Writes, Your Go-To Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

This week, we discuss why having an enemy can be beneficial for any business. This has its roots in the psychological theory of Social Identity that was pioneered by Henri Tajfel. This British psychologist showed that humans are wired to see themselves as a member of a group, and could easily be influenced to identify with fellow group members and discriminate against members of rival groups. We'll show how businesses like Apple have exploited this concept on their path to global domination.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST