
Today’s podcast is the second episode of our two-part series focused on The Persuasion Code, a new book co-authored by Christophe Morin and Patrick Renvoise. We're joined this time by Patrick, co-founder and Chief Neuromarketing Officer at SalesBrain. Along with Christophe, Patrick is also the co-author of what is likely the first book about neuroscience in marketing, Neuromarketing: Understanding the "Buy Button" in Your Customer's Brain.

Prior to co-founding SalesBrain, Patrick was in charge of business development at Silicon Graphics, and then at LinuxCare. He soon developed a fascination with the human brain and began investigating a scientific model to explain how people make buying decisions. Patrick spent two years researching and formalizing the first 100% science-based persuasion model called NeuroMAP™, a proprietary, award-winning methodology that has been used by over 6,000 companies worldwide.

In this episode, Patrick shares the major drivers of human behavior that all marketers should understand. Listen in to learn what's at the core of our decision-making, how to alleviate common pain points for customers, and what companies can do to ensure they're communicating their value propositions as effectively as possible.

You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: 

Direct download: BRAINFLUENCE235.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST